We created this amazing bar using Malchoc White, lemon and red fruits... Healthy and ready to go snack for all!We created this amazing bar using Malchoc White, lemon and red fruits... Healthy and ready to go snack for all!
- Shelf life:
- 1 month
- Conservation:
- +16°C
Containing: 2 Components
Lime Ganache
Ingredients: Lime Ganache
200 gCream 35% fat
20 gButter
2 glime zest
Preparation: Lime Ganache
- Heat the cream with the butter at 85°C.
- Pour over the chocolate and mix it well using a hand blender.
- Add the lime zest.
Berries jam
Ingredients: Berries jam
100 gFrozen blueberries
300 gFrozen strawberries
90 gBirch sugar
5 gPectin NH
1 gLemon zest
10 gLemon juice
Preparation: Berries jam
- Mix the birch sugar with the pectin.
- Defrost the fruit and add the mix of pectin and sugar.
- Cook the jam until you reach 110°C.
- Add the lemon juice and zest.

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