03 Jun 2025 - 04 Jun 2025
2 days
Langue principale du cours:
350.00 EUR
Taille de la classe:

Upscale your Chocolate with our intensive course for professionals and chocolate enthusiasts willing to master their knowledge. 
This training is a journey from the start to the deepest secrets of the Belgian, Swiss, French and English Chocolate heritages, to how the latest techniques, applications and recipes can bring fresh inspiration to national and local chocolate cultures. 
It offers all the basic knowledge of chocolate, from pre-crystallization, enrobing, molding, to balancing of basic recipes, in which you can understand how to break down a recipe and how to apply it, to understand differences, errors and the infinite opportunities when working with chocolate.

Ovaj masterklas predstavlja putovanje od osnova, do najdubljih tajni belgijskog, švajcarskog, francuskog i engleskog nasleđa čokolade, do najnovijih tehnika, aplikacija, kao  i recepata i noviteta iz sveta čokolade. 
Nudi sva osnovna znanja o čokoladi od prekristalizacije i temperiranja, preko moldinga, sprejinga, paninga do balansiranja, kao i najsitnijih detalja, novosti i trendova iz oblasti alata, tehnika i beskonačnih mogućnosti u radu s čokoladom.

Calendrier des cours

This Course offers all the basic knowledge of chocolate, from pre-crystallization, enrobing, molding, to balancing of basic recipes, in which you can understand how to break down a recipe and how to apply it, to understand differences, errors and the infinite opportunities when working with chocolate.

Na kursu se prelaze osnovna znanja o čokoladi od prekristalizacije i temperiranja, preko moldinga, sprejinga, paninga do balansiranja, kao i najsitnijih detalja, novosti i trendova iz oblasti alata, tehnika i beskonačnih mogućnosti u radu s čokoladom.

Informations pratiques