Error message

  • Warning: Undefined variable $author_label_items in Drupal\cacom_productdb\Preprocessor\RecipePreprocessor->preprocess() (line 184 of modules/custom/cacom_productdb/src/Preprocessor/RecipePreprocessor.php).
  • Warning: Undefined variable $author_image_items in Drupal\cacom_productdb\Preprocessor\RecipePreprocessor->preprocess() (line 187 of modules/custom/cacom_productdb/src/Preprocessor/RecipePreprocessor.php).
  • Warning: Undefined variable $author_image_items in Drupal\cacom_productdb\Preprocessor\VideoPreprocessor->preprocess() (line 183 of modules/custom/cacom_productdb/src/Preprocessor/VideoPreprocessor.php).
  • Warning: Undefined variable $author_image_items in Drupal\cacom_productdb\Preprocessor\VideoPreprocessor->preprocess() (line 183 of modules/custom/cacom_productdb/src/Preprocessor/VideoPreprocessor.php).
  • Warning: Undefined variable $author_image_items in Drupal\cacom_productdb\Preprocessor\VideoPreprocessor->preprocess() (line 183 of modules/custom/cacom_productdb/src/Preprocessor/VideoPreprocessor.php).
  • Warning: Undefined variable $author_image_items in Drupal\cacom_productdb\Preprocessor\VideoPreprocessor->preprocess() (line 183 of modules/custom/cacom_productdb/src/Preprocessor/VideoPreprocessor.php).
  • Warning: Undefined variable $author_image_items in Drupal\cacom_productdb\Preprocessor\VideoPreprocessor->preprocess() (line 183 of modules/custom/cacom_productdb/src/Preprocessor/VideoPreprocessor.php).
  • Warning: Undefined variable $author_label_items in Drupal\cacom_productdb\Preprocessor\RecipePreprocessor->preprocess() (line 184 of modules/custom/cacom_productdb/src/Preprocessor/RecipePreprocessor.php).
  • Warning: Undefined variable $author_image_items in Drupal\cacom_productdb\Preprocessor\RecipePreprocessor->preprocess() (line 187 of modules/custom/cacom_productdb/src/Preprocessor/RecipePreprocessor.php).
  • Warning: Undefined variable $author_label_items in Drupal\cacom_productdb\Preprocessor\RecipePreprocessor->preprocess() (line 184 of modules/custom/cacom_productdb/src/Preprocessor/RecipePreprocessor.php).
  • Warning: Undefined variable $author_image_items in Drupal\cacom_productdb\Preprocessor\RecipePreprocessor->preprocess() (line 187 of modules/custom/cacom_productdb/src/Preprocessor/RecipePreprocessor.php).
Colorful Hazelnut Tablets
Here's your new best-seller tasting concept: the Discovery Tablet. The pistole mold allows you to play and make 3 or 6 rows of different flavors in one bar.
Here's your new best-seller tasting concept: the Discovery Tablet. The pistole mold allows you to play and make 3 or 6 rows of different flavors in one bar.
Shelf life:
6 Weeks
Between 8ºC - 16ºC
Containing: 2 Components
Demonstration video<span>Colorful Hazelnut Tablets</span>


Ingredients: Molding

Preparation: Molding

  1. Prepare a mixture made of 50% of melted dark chocolate and 50% of cocoa butter. Add some red colored cocoa butter into the mixture to give it a warmer color.
  2. Pour the mixture into a piping bag, cool off on the table and transfer into the spray gun. The spray gun should have the same temperature as the mix, around 30-32°C (86-90°F).
  3. Spray all the cavities one by one. Maintain the same distance and pressure at all times to obtain an even result.
  4. Place the mold upside down onto a paper cloth, clean it well and let set at 16-18°C (61-64°F).
  5. Spray the white cocoa butter using the same procedure.
  6. Repeat with the forsythia cocoa butter and let it set.
  7. Mold with pre-crystallized milk chocolate. Use an automatic tempering machine or a melting kettle.
  8. Remove the excess chocolate with a palette knife and put the mold on the vibration table to remove all the air bubbles.
  9. Turn the mold upside down on the vibration table to create the shell and immediately place it facing upwards on a tray lined with parchment paper.
  10. Let the chocolate set for a few minutes, clean the surface of the mold with a scraper and let the chocolate crystallize at 18-20°C (64-68°F).


  • Metal Tray
  • Piping Bag
  • Scissors
  • Scraper
  • Parchment paper
  • Spray gun
  • Mixing bowl (s)
  • Melting kettle or automatic tempering machine
  • Scale
  • Palette knife
  • Spoon
  • Cacao Barry pistoles tablette mold
  • Paper cloth
  • Spatula

Fındıklı Pralin

Ingredients: Fındıklı Pralin

Preparation: Fındıklı Pralin

  1. Pürüzsüz bir doku elde etmek için praline önceden temperlenmiş sütlü çikolatanın %25'ini ekleyin. Daha katı bir doku elde etmek için daha fazla çikolata ekleyin.
  2. Çikolata ve pralini tamamen homojen olana kadar karıştırın.
  3. Bir krema torbasına aktarın, ucunu kesin ve hemen kalıbı doldurmaya başlayın.
  4. Kalıbı 10 °C'de (50 ° F) çikolata dolabında muhafaza edin.
  5. Dolgu ayarlandıktan sonra kalıbı buzdolabından çıkarın ve yaklaşık 15-20 dakika 18-20 °C'de (64-68 ° F) bırakın. Kalıbı temperlenmiş çikolata ile kapatırken termal şoktan kaçınmak için bu önemlidir.
  6. Çikolata kabuğunun kenarlarını yumuşatmak için kalıbın yüzeyini hafifçe ısıtın. Bu, iki çikolata katmanının birbirine yapışmasına yardımcı olacaktır.
  7. Fazla çikolatayı bir kerede çıkarmak için büyük sıyırıcıyı kullanın, kenarlarını temizleyin, kalıbı tekrar buzdolabına koyun ve katılaştırın.
  8. Çikolata tamamen kristalize olduktan sonra kalıbın üzerine bir pişirme kağıdı ve metal bir tepsi yerleştirin.
  9. Tepsileri ters çevirin, tepsiyi ve pişirme kağıdını çıkarın ve dikkatlice kalıptan çıkarın.
  10. Bitmiş ürünlerinizi 16-18 °C'de (61-64 ° F) muhafaza edin.


  • Metal Tray
  • Piping Bag
  • Scissors
  • Scraper
  • Parchment paper
  • Mixing bowl (s)
  • Melting kettle or automatic tempering machine
  • Heat gun
  • Spatula

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