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Modern pastry ideas
06 May 2025 - 08 May 2025
3 days
Langue principale du cours:
650.00 EUR
Bakery & Pastry
Taille de la classe:

Chef Francisco Moreira is a Portuguese-Belgian pastry chef with experience in hotels, pastry shops and high-end restaurants in Portugal and Spain.

Since 2017, he has worked at the Chocolate Academy in Belgium, teaching courses and supporting artisan and industrial customers.

In this course, you will discover new and innovative ideas in pastry-making, creative and well-balanced recipes, always with respect to tradition. Keeping this in mind, chef Francisco will share with you how to adapt to modern times while improving textures and flavours in pastry creations. 

From tarts to entremets, you will be able to follow every detail of each recipe until reaching the final product.

Šef Francisko Moreira je portugalsko-belgijski poslastičar sa iskustvom u hotelima, poslastičarnicama i vrhunskim restoranima u Portugalu i Španiji.

Od 2017. godine radi u Akademiji čokolade u Belgiji, predajući kurseve i pružajući podršku zanatskim i industrijskim kupcima.

Na ovom kursu ćete otkriti nove i inovativne ideje u pravljenju dezerata, kreativne i dobro izbalansirane recepte, uvek uz poštovanje tradicije. Imajući ovo na umu, Šef Francisko će podeliti sa vama kako da se prilagodite modernim vremenima dok poboljšavate teksture i ukuse u kreiranim aplikacijama.

Od torti do entremea, moći ćete da pratite svaki detalj svakog recepta do konačnog proizvoda.

Target Audience :

Since Chocolate Academy is part of the Barry Callebaut group and our focus is on professional chocolate processing our courses are only for professional bakers, pastry chefs, chocolatiers and catering chefs.

Informations pratiques