Menge: 60 cookies (±12 g/cookie)
FOR SPARKLING CAKES & BAKES  ​Unleash a new generation of donuts, cakes & cookies boasting the fruity ruby taste, satisfying crunch and bedazzling looks. Ruby chocolate decorations turn any biscuit into a star on shelf or in the counter.
FOR SPARKLING CAKES & BAKES  ​Unleash a new generation of donuts, cakes & cookies boasting the fruity ruby taste, satisfying crunch and bedazzling looks. Ruby chocolate decorations turn any biscuit into a star on shelf or in the counter.
Enthält:3 Komponenten


Zutaten: Cookie

  • 8.7 oz
  • 0.7 oz

Zubereitung: Cookie

Beat until creamy texture.

Zutaten: Cookie

  • 9.0 oz
    Mandelpulver 100 %
  • 0.8 oz

Zubereitung: Cookie

Add and beat well.

Zutaten: Cookie

  • 3.2 oz
  • 1.9 oz
  • 4.3 oz
    Mehl T45

Zubereitung: Cookie

Add and beat until nice paste.

Leave to rest in fridge overnight at 4°C.
Layer dough at 3 mm and cut round shapes of 7 cm diameter.
Bake at 170°C four 15 min. and let the cookies cool down.

Transfer sheet decorations

Zutaten: Transfer sheet decorations

  • 1.1 lb
    Callebaut ® Feinste belgische Rubinschokolade, Rezept Nr. RB1 (CHR-R35RB1)

Zubereitung: Transfer sheet decorations


Pipe ruby RB1 chocolate on transfer sheet and push on cookie. Leave to set in fridge for 10 mins. Add ruby chocolate decorations on top before the chocolate sets.


Zutaten: Decorations

  • TRS-21462
  • TRS-21464
  • TRS-21463
  • CHR-PN-6222

Zubereitung: Decorations

Tip: To prolong shelf life & preserve the ruby taste and colour, pack your ambient ruby creations in light, air or humidity protective wrappers.

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